The Morning of Your Wedding
We have the privilege of being a part of so many wedding mornings; the brief and intimate time before a huge life change! We can tell you, without a doubt, the most relaxing and enjoyable wedding mornings are the ones that feel like you and, in turn, the best mornings are the ones that are relaxing and enjoyable. If you are a "journal-when-you-wake-up-with-a-cup-of-coffee" person, do that! If you like to get some fresh air and go for a walk, schedule that in, do not miss out on your morning routines. We often find our brides and grooms will go on a run the morning of their wedding (and we will always join you;) We want you to know there is time, the catch is to prioritize your morning, schedule these things ahead of time and communicate it to your people.
Simplify your morning. Start with coffee. Get your hair and makeup done, walk around your space hugging your people. Do not overschedule yourself with photos or places to be or tasks to complete.
Enjoy! It is that simple, infuse moments of enjoyment into your morning. This should not be work for you, pure blissful enjoyment!
Delegate tasks before-hand, food runs, coffee refills, music, etc.
Love on your people! Talk, tell stories, slow down, soak in.
Communicate how you envision your morning! Tell your people "I would love to be as relaxed as possible" or "I would love to have you join at 10:00am" or "I always imagined getting a quick moment with my partner right away in the morning" communicate these things.
Understand that wedding trends come and go, question them and incorporate them, or leave them.
Do not invite everyone right away in the morning into your space! Keep it a small group to start and slowly allow others through the morning to join. It can get loud and overwhelming very quickly!
Do not over gift for your bridesmaids. Gifts for bridesmaids is a fairly new trend in weddings, you certainly do not have to do this.
Do not stage too many photos. Be yourself and gather naturally, talk to your photographer before about this.
It will be amazing. Be you. Be present. This will be incredible.